SCINNOPOLI – Scanning Innovation Policy Impact

SCINNOPOLI is dealing with the impact of regional innovation policy. The INTERREG IVC Capitalisation Project is based on the insights and Good Practices of former projects on ‘regional innovation policy Impact Assessment and Benchmarking’ (Specific Support Action “Research and Innovation” activity area, Sixth Framework Programme) and further Good Practices of the 9 European partner regions.

Supporting the regular application of an-easy-to use, but effective impact assessment system for evaluation of the regional innovation policy is the main aim of SCINNOPOLI. Innovation policies should increase firms’ and regional competitiveness, create new high quality jobs and thus increase the regional welfare and well being. Scanning this impact is not only a matter of countries or regions in difficulties but it has to become one of the basic homework of all European countries and regions. Also the new Regional Operational Programs for the frame period 2014 to 2020 will reflect these necessities of a comprehensive in-process monitoring and evaluation process. Therefore SCINNOPOLI partners have scanned their current system, identified strengths as well as weaknesses and developed a concept for improvement of their current monitoring and evaluation system. Some improvement measures were already implemented during the project runtime.

SCINNOPOLI Policy Recommendations give advice for public authorities and other organisation in charge of regional innovation instruments on application of pragmatic and at the same time effective monitoring and evaluation activities. An on-line application for selection of appropriate monitoring and evaluation instruments according to individual needs of public authorities is available on the SCINNOPOLI website.

IDEUM has significantly contributed to the successful project proposal. Throughout the project IDEUM has supported SCINNOPOLI partners regarding concept development, drawing up/coordination of the policy recommendations and formulation of the Good Practice matrix.

More information about SCINNOPOLI is available under